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Top 9 Myths about YOGA


The term ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’, which means union - the union between body, mind and spirit or consciousness. It is a way to unite different aspects of what we are. Yoga is not just physical exercise, as it is often misinterpreted, but it includes something vast and varied that has an impact on both the physical body and the subtle layers, invigorating the mind and soul. If you read an old yoga treatise - Patanjali's Yoga Sutra - you will know that Yoga is a way of life. It must be imbued at all levels of human existence for mankind to find both spiritual and material joy. Just as water comes in many forms - steam, ice and liquid and has multiple uses - Yoga has many forms and each form has a particular role to play in different aspects of life: relationships, family, career, health and the environment.

Anyone can do Yoga. The good news is that yoga is spreading fast even in our country, but the bad news is that all the misinformation that appears like the cordless phone is a real obstacle for some practitioners, who might otherwise really love the practice. Here are some of the myths about yoga:

Myth 1. You are not flexible enough to do yoga.

This is the most common myth. To say that you are too rigid to do yoga is like saying that you are too ill to go to the doctor. Stiffness leads to a lot of pain. I'm not saying it will be easy, but I can promise a whole range of healthy movements for the whole body, which will reduce pain and fatigue. You just have to have a well-developed sense of humor. And don't forget, in the end, flexibility or position itself is not the most important aspect, but the awareness behind it.

Myth 2. You need a certain diet, a certain body type, a certain outfit.

Not at all. Yoga can be practiced regardless of these criteria which is another myth. The secondary criteria of yoga could be rather physical condition, mental health and well-being, but I assure you that it is necessary to start this practice anyway. The best thing about yoga is that you can come as you are, being a practice treated in a very generous way.

Myth 3. Yoga means religion.
Yoga is not a religion. Yoga is a philosophy. Do some people practice yoga religiously? Yes, but there is no dogma or belief system required in yoga. The role of philosophy is to engage in important question sessions, to gain understanding and to make your own informed choices.

4.Yoga myth is just for relaxation.
Yoga is an eight times more intense path than others, which actually requires quite a disciplined effort. It is very effective for relaxation and stress reduction, these being wonderful effects of a practice of concentration even if it is asana, pranayama (breathing) or meditation.

5. Myth Yoga is only for women.
There are many male people who practice yoga. Yoga creates flexibility, endurance, builds and refines the ability to concentrate. There are clear examples of athletes, male superstars, such as Shaquille O’Neal, LeBron James, Ray Lewis, Victor Cruz and Kevin Love who practice yoga because of its benefits.

6.Yoga myth is boring:
As many as we are, so many ways of thinking and seeing things exist. However, you should know that your perception of yoga may change over time, even if the first course seemed extremely boring. Many give up yoga after a few classes, but when they rediscover it, they realize that they cannot live without this practice that brings peace and relaxation. Yoga means not only maintaining a position for several seconds but also performing the most complicated exercises in any environment: from sandy beaches to city streets.

Myth 7. I'm too busy doing yoga.
The analogy applies again - I'm too sick to go to the doctor - which fits very well in this case as well. Currently, you can practice quality yoga online with videos ranging from 15 to 90 minutes. You can do yoga in the comfort of your own home through online classes. Add yoga to that effective practice to combine: fitness with stress relief through a concentration in a single session. Try a session of only 20 minutes a day and you will appreciate the return on that investment.

Myth 8. I am not young enough to do yoga.
There are a lot of people who started practicing yoga at the age of 50 or over. Not only is it an excellent choice for health, but it also offers community and positive social benefits. You may be as old as your thoughts, and yoga can affect these two elements in a positive way, so go to yoga sessions and feel good.

Myth 9. I can't do yoga - I'm hurt
On the contrary. There are many people who come to yoga while they are recovering from a trauma. Those who first try yoga as a means of detoxification usually remain faithful to this practice because it not only helps in healing, but can also help prevent problems in the future.

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